Prumnopitys taxifolia

Adult Matai

Prumnopitys taxifolia is a flowering plant in the family of Podocarpus plants ( Podocarpaceae ). It is native to New Zealand, where it is also known as Black Pine or matai.


Prumnopitys taxifolia grows as evergreen tree reaching heights of growth of up to 40 meters and trunk diameter of about 2 meters. The needle-shaped leaves are just to crescent-shaped, 10 mm to 15 mm long and 1.5 to 2 mm wide. The needles of the adult form are dark green on the upper surface frosted clearly knows something and on the bottom.

Prumnopitys taxifolia is dioecious getrenntgeschlechtig ( dioecious ). The cones are highly modified and a central 3 to 4 cm long petiole reduced carrying one to six scales. These mature into a berry-like, 10-15 mm long, purple -violet aril, which is edible and surrounds the single seed in each case. The seeds are spread by the Maori pigeon that feeds on the aril and the seed excretes the feces.


In contrast to related Miro Matai has a significantly different and long time existing juvenile stage. The young specimens grow as a shrub from thin, flexible branches, which are loosely filled with brown, dull yellow and off-white needles. After several years, the tree from the top of the shrub begins to grow, the branches die and fall off gradually.


The specific epithet taxifolia refers to the similarity of the needles with the yew (Taxus ). In the past this type, like other of the genus Prumnopitys, often integrated spicatus in the genus Podocarpus Podocarpus as. This type differs from the similar Miro ( Prumnopitys ferruginea ) by the shape of needles, the color of the fruit and the bark.

Use and risk

Young tree, branches already in the age form

Mareikura (Noble Lady), eldest Mataībaum

The wood of this tree was mid-20th century used in New Zealand much for flooring. Matai is not threatened with extinction, but has been greatly reduced as a closed forest through the use of wood. There remain only a few examples of a closed - matai forest.
