Psalm 20

The 20th Psalm is a Psalm of David, and belongs to the series of royal psalms. He has sung for a king of Judea. Due to the content, and semantic similarities a literary function of the Papyrus Amherst can be assumed 63.


A possible structure is as follows:


Name theology

The Old Testament scholar Hermann Gunkel points out in his commentary on the Psalms attention to the role of God's name. Finally, the psalmist not talking directly from the deity, but from the name of the deity (vv. 2, 6 and 8). The Attribution take a special role in the Old Testament a: By uttering the name of YHWH to raise his hands in prayer and call him (cf. also Ps 63.5 Ps 116,17 EU and EU), begin the blessing, prayer and the anthem - the name of God know hot " religion have ".

Review of victims

Together with Psalm 66, the Psalm a consistently positive evaluation of material sacrifices on ( v. 4) - unlike, for example, Psalm 51 without critical tendency.
