Psalm 82

The 82nd Psalm ( Greek- count of 81 ) belongs to the series of Asaph psalms. He tells of gods or " sons of the Most High ," on which the Court of YHWH is taken.


The main problem of the Psalm is the question of who is meant by the "gods ", " sons of the Most High ." The following options can be considered: The "gods " are:

  • Gods in the true sense
  • Princes of the Gentiles
  • Prince of Israel ( such as " princes of the Gentiles " meant ironically )

The usual solution, as proposed for example by Hermann Gunkel is: accepted in contemporary Judaism National pagan gods, with their power. So would the earthly nations corresponding heavenly archetypes ( Dan 10,13 EU), which are in turn subordinate to YHWH. Thus, the Court of YHWH must also meet these Sons of God.
