Psalm 9

The 9th and 10th Psalm is a Psalm of David, and belongs to the series of songs of thanksgiving and of Lamentations. The unity of the 9th and 10th Psalm is found in the Septuagint and in various Masoretic manuscripts. Due to various observations can be assumed that the Psalms also originally belonged together.

  • 3.1 One way of ...
  • 3.2 ... and another

Text of psalms

Because of ( contaminated ) alphabetic arrangement ( acrostic ) of the two psalms are highlighted separately the first few letters of a verse.

Psalm 9

Psalm 10

Ratio of Psalm 9 and 10

For the unity of the two psalms, there are several reasons:

Today, it can be assumed that the two psalms are related. Together they make up at least a liturgical unit. According to this view Psalm 9 is used as a song of thanks to the support of the request from the lament psalm 10

Outline / Structure

The Structure of Psalm 9/10 there are some quite different approaches.

One way to ...

The Old Testament scholar Hermann Gunkel divided as follows Psalm 9 ...

And ... Psalm 10:

And another ...

The French theologian Pierre Auffret find the following chiasmische structure between Psalm 9 and 10 before:


The psalm is assigned to a later period of the psalms in which the species were already developed. Bernhard Duhm and Emil Kautzsch date it to the Maccabean period. Hermann Gunkel, however, assumes the Persian era.


Hermann Gunkel rated the psalm by the alphabetical arrangement as an "artificial " product. Thus in his commentary on the Psalms says:

" At the inner connection of such artificial product must be set not too stringent. The author might have been happy if he had found for each letter in an appropriate word; to shape his poem to a completely unified work of art, not enough his poetic power. "

Different, however akrostichische form is evaluated, among other things by Ulrich mountain. This keeps the shape for the elegant representation of the perfection of form.
