
Pseudo - Bonaventura is referred to in the research medieval authors whose writings have been attributed to incorrect or doubtful basis Bonaventure of Bagnoregio and were at least temporarily received as authentic writings of this author. In metonymic transfer even those writings themselves are referred to as pseudo - Bonaventura.

The best known and most influential writing this kind are the, around 1300 or, according to new dating 1346-1360 ( McNamer ) incurred, a Poor Clare dedicated Meditationes de vita Christi ( critical ed. M. Jordan Stallings - Taney, CCCM 153, 1999) which survives in three different Latin versions and is now usually attributed by the research the Franciscan John de Caulibus in San Gimignano. The longest version deals with the life of Christ from birth to the miracle of Pentecost, and includes in an extensive treatise on the merits of the active and contemplative life. In the second-longest missing this treatise and the events between the baptism of Christ and the Passion. A third, also known under the title Mediationes de passione Christi, begins only with the action of the Supper. Of these Latin versions, there are more than a hundred manuscripts and various transmissions in the vernacular languages ​​.

A collection spurious or dubious writings of Bonaventura was reprinted in the Appendix to Volume VI of the Opera omnia ( Quaracchi 1893). A critical Repertory of genuine, doubtful and spurious works in 1975 presented by Baldwin thistle Brink, which forms the starting point for the clarification of attribution questions today.
