
Psychographics is the comprehensive description of the state of mind ( psyche soul) of an individual, which serves the same for reviews - not to be confused with the concept of psychographics in spiritualism, the activity of a writing medium ( Psycho Graf) describes. The term psychographics as such arises from the differential psychology and was introduced by Gordon W. Allport in personality psychology. Allport was assumed that an individual through reviews in the form of numerical values ​​within a psychogram can be represented. Among the factors considered to include not only biological components (eg, the shape of the physique or health ) also skills and abilities, intelligence, temperament, etc. The creation of such a psychogram there is the possibility of comparison. Allport's approach, however, had ( so far) have no discernible effect on the psychological professional circles, as is the case for example with the theories of Sigmund Freud.

Psychographics as a model in the personality psychology

1990 used Dietmar Friedmann in his book " The Other " as a result of his research in 1976 started the first time the term psychographics as a term for a personality model. Friedmann used here the term " psychographics " in the sense of a "map of personality." In his work, Friedman discovered first three " own laws of life ", which he " emancipation, identity and knowledge" is called first. Through his involvement with the Transactional Analysis Eric Berne and the drama triangle by Stephen Karpman ( also Transactional Analyst ) he creates a first formulation of the three areas of life of the psychographic personality model: relationship, cognition and action.

Analogous to the drama triangle in which every man, " perpetrator " a " favorite role " takes over from the three possible roles "savior ", " victim" after Karpmans opinion has also psychographic model, each person has a preferred area of ​​life. In addition, however, is that according to Friedmann's theory already in the drama triangle every man a "prevention role " has. This follows in the drama triangle on the ' favorite role, "by which a process direction is formulated.

Friedmann formulated in his model, therefore, the basic triad " preference ( personality area ) ⇒ neglect / resource ( development area ) ⇒ outcome ( target area ) ." Applied to the above three areas of life is based significantly from occurring behavior patterns of the operating concern in his view, if a man evolved from his preferred area of ​​life towards its resources area by taking up and acting out behavior and solution patterns of the neglected (resources ) area.

Psychographics as a personality typology

On the basis of its own laws of life relationship, cognition and action Friedmann formulates a personality typology: People with a preference in the " relationship " he called relationship type. People with a preference in the " Recognize" he called property type. People with a preference in the " action" he called action type. First, in its further work on the model follows a differentiation between " relationship type 1" and " Relationship Type 2". Finally, he builds a bridge to the typology of the Enneagram by assigning each of its three basic types of three types of the Enneagram.

Werner Winkler, a student of Friedmann's also working intensively with the model, takes a different approach to the ordering of the three basic types. In his typology occur more - also triadic structured - subdivisions. He also formulated the fundamental areas as the " relationship ", "time" and "activity" based on which he developed his " 123- model", which leads to a total of 81 different types. [ [File: psychographische_lebensbereiche.jpg | thumb | The three areas of life of the psychographic personality model ]. ]

As a result, the term psychographics is today for two different models based on a common basic typology that differentiated 81 subtypes in version Friedmann's nine and after the performances Winkler.

Application of psychographic model

The characteristic feature of psychographics is the link to solution-oriented approaches by Paul Watzlawick and Steve de Shazer. It is therefore often referred to as " solution-oriented knowledge of human nature ".

Target of their practices is to strengthen social skills, increasing the capacity for teamwork and facilitation in dealing with others. Finally, it should also serve the self-knowledge. Thus, the psychographics is used for example in psychological counseling, coaching, profiling and Kommunikationstrainigs. Add to that the placement and application of the model in training in therapeutic and counseling professions.

To volunteer promotion of the topic a nonprofit organization, the psychographics Initiative eV, which among other things also aligns interdisciplinary conferences on the topic exists.
