Psyma Group

Psyma Group AG is a holding company for a consortium of research institutes, which are usually run as limited liability companies under the name " Psyma suffix". Currently Psyma is the sixth largest market research institute and the largest purely privately owned Germany. Headquarters is located at the Nuremberg location Rückersdorf.

Legal form

The Psyma Holding Group Ltd is an unlisted public company whose shares are held by the founders and the directors. The holding company itself does not occur in the market, but holds a majority shareholding in the operating companies LLCs. Minority shareholders are the managing directors generally.


Was founded the Institute in 1957 as a " working group for psychological market analyzes " by Dr. Reinhold Bergler, Dr. Manfred Hambitzer and Dr. Klaus Haupt, originally not as a commercial company, but as a scientific institute. Investigations were deeply psychological, qualitative interviews. 1967 one of Germany 's first professional departments of pharmaceutical market research has been established. Since the 1990s, international expansion is being accelerated (as of March 2012: 16 companies in 13 countries).


Psyma covers in Germany from different business units, which are based on industries: Medical & Pharmaceutical, FMCG / F & B, media, automotive, financial services, Fashion & Cosmetics, IT / telecommunications, Sports & Leisure, and trade. Cross-sector working the Competence Center E -Business.


Traditional focus are ad hoc projects in the field of qualitative market research. Result of this type of study here are in direct conversation (via face-to -face or in-depth interviews or group discussions ) lessons learned, classified and interpreted in the cluster. This methodology consists in the interviewer -depth knowledge of the market in advance (market psychology) to get with an appropriate survey technique at all usable responses. In the field of quantitative market research, the E-Business has established an online -based, standardized system for benchmarking of corporate websites around the world. Other, qualitative insights gained are often quantified.
