
The pterostigma or Flügelmal is a particularly well-developed field in the wings of dragonflies and many other flying insects. It is found, for example, in aphids, Hymenoptera, dust lice, ants Virgin and hoverflies. The pterostigma is located at the front edge of the front wing tips (with dragonflies and the rear wing tips ) and is usually slightly enlarged and often dyed dark. The existence and formation of the pterostigma is used in dragonflies to determine the species and their systematic classification.

In order to function, there are several explanations:

  • The pterostigma is probably in the field of dragonflies and serves the animals to navigate in flight between vertical structures without colliding with the wings.
  • One also conceivable function is that of a vibration stopper. The hemolymph in Pterostigma and densifying Flügeladerung there is a weighting and at the same time stiffening the blade edges, whereby the resonance of the blade is prevented.
  • Further, the amplification of the most stressed point could prevent damage to the blade.
  • Entomology
  • Anatomy (eddy lots)