
Pteryx suturalis

Pteryx is a genus of beetles in the family of dwarf beetle ( Ptiliidae ) within the subfamily Ptiliinae. It occurs in Europe with six species in Central Europe comes from only pteryx suturalis ago.


The pronotum of animals is heart-shaped and about the same width as the elytra. The hind angles are not drawn to the rear and also do not include the ceiling base. The elytra have their widest behind the middle, the hind angles are strongly blunted. The species of the genus may occur in two forms, one of which is wingless and having only small eyes.

Occurrence and life

The animals live under tree bark and rotting wood.

Species ( Europe)

  • Pteryx franzi Israelson, 1976
  • Pteryx ganglbaueri Ericson, 1909
  • Pteryx oraniensis Normand, 1934
  • Pteryx splendens beach, 1960
  • Pteryx subtruncata Rey, 1889
  • Pteryx suturalis ( Heer, 1841)

