
Post Luxembourg ( formerly P & T ) is a postal and telecommunications provider in Luxembourg. It was founded in 1842. The public company since 1992, with over one hundred post offices and postal stores, the market leader in the postal and telecommunications services in Luxembourg. It also offers postal financial services, especially the online banking service CCP Connect, and is also a provider of Internet services. Customers are four Tele boutiques ( in the city of Luxembourg in the city center, the train station and the commercial area Cloche d'Or as well as in Ettelbrück ) are available.

The licensed to the post Luxembourg mobile network LuxGSM is the market leader in mobile communications. Editus Luxembourg SA is the editor of databases, telephone and business directories via Luxembourg and the Greater Region.

The group employs 3990 staff post Luxembourg, making it the fourth largest employer in the country.

In 2009, the P & T achieved a total turnover of 564.17 million euros.

TERALINK is the international broadband network, the P & T Luxembourg which since the end of 2007 direct connections via optical fiber links to major data centers in Brussels, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Paris and London has.

As part of a comprehensive brand management "P & T Luxembourg SA " was on June 15, 2013 " Entreprise des Postes et Télécommunications ", from the " LUXGSM SA " to "Post Telecom SA ". The brand names have been changed to " post Luxembourg" respektiv "Post Telecom".

EU Directive on the liberalization of postal services

If the EU directives which provide for the liberalization of postal activities, to be implemented in Luxembourg, this leads at the latest by December 2012 for the loss of the last monopoly of the postal service, the postal mail. A master plan (Agenda 2012) also provides for the speedy creation of a private telecommunications company, which also includes LUXGSM.

The union OGBL sits down in the face of confusing information policy of the Executive Board for a collective bargaining on the basis of applicable laws.
