Public humiliation

Honor fines were imposed in Europe in the late Middle Ages and the early modern period in the Low jurisdiction. To the honor punishments included the pillory, the pillory, the Schandkorb, the blasphemous stone, the fiddle and the donkey ride.

In the U.S. honor penalties under the name Public Humiliation (German Public humiliation ) are today imposed occasionally.

Historical Significance

The sentenced person lost with the verdict and the execution of the punishment her social standing within a city completely, because she could no longer be regarded as honorable from then on. She went of civil rights (if any) forfeited. It was her no longer able to participate in normal social life within the city, for the part of the citizens they were anxious to leave to see as little as possible in dealing with a person whose reputation was ruined. It was feared himself to destroy his own reputation, and sought to avoid this danger, as well as we could. The person thus faced response patterns that were equivalent to a ban. A person standing in the pillory, could be beaten and abused by passers-by, without that they had reason to fear prosecution. In addition to revenge this could have been the motive also own amusement. Even goats licking at such a person is attested by pictorial representation.

In addition, limitations in economic terms presented in the rule, because different trades and trades behaved restrictive. If a foreign -written or an apprentice, journeyman, or even masters of the other guilds got imposes a penalty of honor, he was expelled from the guild in question. The code of honor saw this to be so.

Modern forms

To honor penalties in the broad sense to include a person on the outside, made visible stigmas, targeted optical labeling and targeted divestments. So marked in certain contexts, for example, the bare feet a person as unpaid or not belonging to the bourgeois or circumstances moderate society and to be brought before the public in this way provided for this a serious defamation dar. In many countries this is also present in this manner still practiced ( detail see bare feet: captivity ). In this day and age can also be forced to the public wearing of ( conspicuous ) prison clothes and the usual in many countries public screening of prisoners in chains (such as handcuffs or shackles ) have the de facto effect of an honor penalty. The above aspects are considered by affected persons generally without public demonstration as defamation.

Donkey ride



Shame or blasphemous stones

Blasphemous stones
