Publius Cornelius Lentulus Sura

Publius Cornelius Lentulus Sura († December 5, 63 BC) was a Roman politician of the gens Cornelii Lentuli.

Lentulus Sura was in the year 75 BC, praetor, then propraetor the province of Sicilia. In 71 BC, he held the consulate, and was the year after his consulate, so BC excluded 70 because of his way of life from the Senate. Nevertheless, he was elected praetor in 63 BC again.

Lentulus Sura took part in a leading position in the conspiracy of Catiline and was therefore executed at the instigation of the consul Marcus Tullius Cicero in the year of his praetorship.

He was married to Julia and stepfather of Mark Antony.
