
PubSubHubbub (short often only Hubbub or PuSH ) is an open protocol for server communication on the Internet. It extends the Atom and RSS protocols to a real-time component and is based on so-called WebHooks.



Usually a feed subscriber asks periodically the feed servers for news. This is a time difference arises to display the message on the client. In addition, much overhead is payable when no new messages are available. Therefore, a so-called integrated PubSubHubbub Hub (English for distribution station ) between server and client. In a new message, the hubs are pinged by the Feed - servers; the hubs query the new message and submit it directly via push to the connected clients.

The protocol has been decentralized. The Feed propagator can the hub server itself, operate or use any other freely available.

From the user's perspective

A user subscribes to a feed as usual. The editor of the feeds can specify in this one hub server, which can then be used for the push service.
