Puente Alto

- 33.616666666667 - 70.583333333333Koordinaten: 33 ° 37 ' S, 70 ° 35 ' ​​W

Puente Alto is a commune in Chile with 515 400 inhabitants ( as of 2004) and is close to the capital Santiago de Chile. It is located in the agglomeration Gran Santiago. Puente Alto is the capital of the province of Cordillera in the Región Metropolitana de Santiago.


The community was founded in the late 19th century under the name Las Arañas.

Puente Alto was established by the decree of 8 January 1898 and on 3 September 1958, the capital of the province of Cordillera.


In Puente Alto there is a paper mill. In addition, in the region of vineyards.

In March 2006, the metro line 4 was completed, which links the city to the power of capital.

