Puerto Cabello

Puerto Cabello on the map of Venezuela

Puerto Cabello is a city and the largest port of the country on the northern coast of Venezuela, in the state of Carabobo. It is located approximately 75 km west of Caracas.


The port was founded in the mid-16th century, as its strategic location enabled the creation of whole fleets of the Spanish Armada. Puerto Cabello translates Hair harbor.

During the colonization of the country, it developed with the export of cocoa, coffee and cotton, an important trading center. This made it a popular target of pirates, so the Spaniards the San Felipe Fort built for defense.

During the Revolutionary War Puerto Cabello was the last stronghold of the Spaniards, until it was conquered in 1823 by José Antonio Páez. From 1842 to 1844 Edward Wilmot Blyden lived in the city. 1882 here the poet Wilhelm Lehmann, 1892, the composer and violinist Augusto Brandt was born.


Puerto Cabello connects Valencia with the Caribbean. From here you can reach the beaches of Patanemo or via Morón the Morrocoy National Park, in the state of Falcón.

The old town still has a few streets with colonial architecture. At the harbor is the ancient fortress of San Felipe, built in the first half of the 18th century by the Spaniards. Nearby Puerto Cabello against one finds the fortress of Solano.

The old cemetery has a number of graves of German immigrants of the 19th century.

The Isla Larga ( Long Island) is visited by divers.
