Pulled hamstring

The hamstring is a sports injury, when it comes to more stress to rupture of muscle tissue. In contrast to muscle strain is a structural change with destruction of muscle cells and a hemorrhage can be seen.

The pulled muscle, the hamstring and the torn muscle based on the same mechanism and differ only by the extent of muscle damage. It is often erroneously assumed with a hamstring only a single muscle fiber would snap. Here there is a conceptual problem: when we speak of the hamstring, as many muscle fibers are torn, usually a whole so-called muscle fiber bundles. The crack one or a few muscle fibers has no noticeable effect on performance, and is common in any normal training.

The hamstring is not rare and occurs in some sports heaped on: football, soccer, handball, sprinter, squash, tennis, hockey, etc. Most commonly, calf and thigh muscles affected.

Mechanism of Injury

When hamstring it comes to tearing of the reticular fibers that are connected to the Costamer the basement membrane of muscle. This leads to local inflammation in the muscles. At the same time it comes to local Tonusminderung in the injured area. Ultimately, a hamstring only be diagnosed by a microscopic examination.

A complete demolition muscle leads to a strong blood flow in the tissue with a partial total loss of muscle contraction. The muscle ends retreat towards the respective tendon. Diagnosis here is relatively straightforward with muscle function tests, ultrasound and magnetic resonance, the images are often difficult to interpret due to large hemorrhage.


The diagnosis can often be suspected by the typical history. Most reports on a stronger effort and a sudden einschießenden pain. After the event, the function of the affected muscle over a long period painfully limited.

During the scanning of the muscle can be found in the area of ​​muscle injury a circumscribed pain. If the crack surface, you can see a circumscribed or bagged bruise.

At the crack of large muscles sometimes show significant dents or contracted muscle play in the affected region. Specifically, you can limit the hamstring by ultrasonography or magnetic resonance.

Some diseases and injuries have a similar appearance, but they require different treatment. Examples of violations are a torn tendon, a ruptured Baker 's cyst, a rare muscle bruise or a stress fracture. Examples of diseases with symptoms that look a hamstring similar to some forms of myositis, thrombophlebitis or thrombosis.


As an immediate measure is stopped with the movement and applied PECH (after Bohemian ). PECH stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and high camps.

The most important measures in response to the conservation of the muscle and, if necessary, the treatment of pain. A complete immobilization is usually not necessary ( except after surgical reconstruction). An elevation of the leg has been proven at the calf because the swelling in the area surrounding the snag occurs less and less painful. Physical measures such as cooling and gentle massages are helpful. The effectiveness of other measures such as electrical stimulation, heat treatment and the external application of ointments are controversial. Overall, the spontaneous cure rate is high in the hamstring. Experience shows, however, that recommended by the doctor breaks are often disregarded.

Surgery ( found only in Muskelsehnenrupturen / muscle tear larger scale with functional impairment instead ) is necessary especially in athletes, because the muscle can not reconstruct itself. This leads to deformation and dysfunction. After surgery there is a 6-week immobilization of the affected muscle to prevent re- rupture.

As a result of the muscle tear is due to local scarring in the muscles, which are usually hardly noticed subjectively.
