Purchase requisition

As a purchase requisition ( requisition or purchase requisition short form of designation in SAP ERP) refers to a request to the purchasing, material or service in a certain amount on a certain date to obtain.

A purchase requisition is the result of a need for goods or services. With it, a procurement process is triggered. The request does not constitute order dar It is created in a form or online dialogue of the relevant department and forwarded to the purchasing department.

In the requisition, inter alia, the cost center, project number, the item wording and item number, the number and the corresponding price, the supplier, offers and the desired delivery date is listed next to the purchaser and the department. Depending on the volume of the order has to be enabled according to the respective company policies by the cost center managers at different levels ( for example, project managers, department managers, directors ).

Due to the purchase requisition is triggered, the corresponding order from the shopping.

Pictures of Purchase requisition
