Pure Pwnage

Jarett Cale Geoff Lapaire Joel Gardiner

Pure Pwnage was distributed over the Internet mockumentary series from ROFLMAO Productions. It tells of the life and adventures of Jeremy ( Jarett Cale ), a Canadian self-proclaimed pro gamer. 2010 adaptation of the web series was broadcast by the Canadian television stations Showcase. In 2012 it was announced that there should be a funded by crowdfunding Pure Pwnage movie.


Jeremy ( Jarett Cale ), who calls the Internet " teh_pwnerer " is extremely talented at computer games, but very inexperienced in real life. This manifests itself primarily by the fact that he still lives with his mother and there behaves like a pubescent teenager. Everything interests him to defeat other gamers and to make fun of their lack of skills ( " pwning noobs " ) is. His dream is to become rich and famous as a professional computer gamers. To others he works by often lazy and self-indulgent. His brother Kyle ( Geoff Lapaire ) wants to become a film producer and therefore opts to hold Jeremy's life as an aspiring " pro gamer " as part of a documentary.
