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The Serena PVCS Version Manager (also PVCS Version Manager, PVCS or earlier Polytron Version Control System) is a software for managing versions of files on computers. It is used specifically for text files such as source code, configuration files or documentation for the administration and documentation of changes. It can also be used for binary files, but then loses how many other version control systems its benefit by the possibility of the difference between two file versions.


PVCS was originally developed by Polytron in early 1976 and was the first commercial tool for the versioning of files on the market. Polytron 1989 was acquired by Sage Software. The resulting two years later Intersolv company went through a merger with the company Index Technologies produced in 1991. 1999 it was again merged Micro Focus and Intersolv to Merant, which was acquired by Serena 2004. Still exists in the group Serena PVCS under the name Serena PVCS Version Manager.


PVCS CVS managed as individual files and therefore can not or only partially used for the management of all projects, since it only considers the state of a file and not the structure of an entire directory and its subdirectories. The authorization control in PVCS is quite granular with direct assignment of permissions and groups controllable.

For mapping of configuration states of a project known as version labels can be assigned which are then bound to the relevant file version of each file involved in the project and thus can play back the corresponding historical condition. Version labels can be used as floating ( with newer versions mitfließend ) and are defined as fixed ( tied to the version of files). The marked as a floating version label can then be fixed at an appropriate level of development.

In support of implemented software development processes can a so-called Promotion Model are defined. It reflects the state of development of the respective files and can be freely configured per project. An example of a linear model would Promotion [Development ] [ Code Review ] [ acceptance test Test] [Production]. In this, the promotion status between two neighboring states are changed or be set free by the administrator of the system. More complex Promotion Models with a tree structure can also represent complex processes in the company.

The operation of PVCS can be done via some command line tools and a graphical user interface. The integration of PVCS in current development environments is still given to it due to its widespread today.
