Pyramid of the Sun

The Pyramid of the Sun is the second largest building in prehispanic Central America. It is located in the center of the pre-Aztec ruins of Teotihuacan, about 40 km northeast of Mexico City. The cityscape of Teotihuacán, the pyramid is on the road of the dead between the Pyramid of the Moon and the Ciudadela in the shadow of the mighty Cerro Gordo massif.


The name " Pyramid of the Sun " was the building of the Aztecs, after the city had been abandoned for centuries. Like the original name was, is unknown. The pyramid was constructed in two phases: The first phase took place about the year 100, where the pyramid had already nearly reached its present size. The second phase involved the installation of an altar on the platform at the top of the pyramid, but it is not received. The pyramid has since been an area of ​​about 225 x 225 m and a height of about 63 meters, making it the third largest pyramid world. At the beginning of the 3rd century the Adosada platform was added about the same time, and the Ciudadela and the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent were constructed.

The entire structure was provided with a lime plaster on which the builder auftrugen colorful paintings, but neither this nor the plaster paintings have survived the centuries. It is reported that among pictures of Jaguar heads and paws - stars and snake rattles to the original representations.

It is believed that the pyramid of the worship of a deity worshiped in Teotihuacán served without the name or character would be known of this deity, especially since, as mentioned, the altar is no longer received, the information might have about it can give. Some researchers theorize that it is a kind of archaic Magna Mater Goddess could have acted in the revered deity, but this must remain speculation.

The first archaeological investigations of the Pyramid of the Sun undertook in 1906 Leopold Bartres, who were joined by numerous other excavations and investigations to date.


The orientation of the pyramid is the subject of intensive research. Astronomical backgrounds are not excluded. So shows the main axis of the structure to the point of sunset on August 12, or April 20, which play an important role in the calendar of the Maya.

Below the pyramid, a cave was discovered, which can be reached by an artificial tunnel. Was thought for a long time that the cave is of natural origin, recent studies suggest rather to their artificial construction. Archaeologists suspect here Tombs older rulers, about which little or nothing is known so far. Several relics were found and the grave stands in front of the opening.

Finds in the environment of the pyramid

In the pyramid, and in its immediate vicinity only a few artifacts were discovered. These include arrowheads made ​​of obsidian and figures in human form; similar properties were also found at the Pyramid of the Moon, the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent and the Ciudadela. At the corners of the pyramids were found graves of children who appear to have been interred in the context of religious ceremonies there.
