Pyramids (novel)

Pyramids ( English title: Pyramids ) is a novel by Terry Pratchett. It is the seventh Discworld novel and the first with whom he won the British Science Fiction Association Award for fiction literature. Pyramids was released in 1989 and plays more in a cul de sac of the Discworld, namely in Djelibeby, a rather desolate small state. Pteppic, the main protagonist, is one of the few " Ephemera " on the Discworld. He is only present in this work.

German edition

Heyne, 1991, ISBN 3-453-04505- X


The Pharaohs son Pteppicymon XXVIII. ( " Pteppic " ) completed in Ankh -Morpork his training as Assassins. Shortly after passing the final exam, he has to go back because of the sudden death of his father, to his home country Djelibeby. Following in the footsteps of his late father, he seeks to fundamental reforms, but meets with fierce resistance. The High Priest Dios, in this capacity already in Pteppics father and grandfather, always knows better what is good for the country. Under his conservative whisperings appointed heir to the throne, in honor of the deceased, the largest pyramid ever built. Shortly before the completion of the monumental building, the already accumulated temporal energy of the pyramid and the Kingdom of discharges disappears in a dimension column.

To prevent a war between the neighboring countries tsort and Da Costa, Pteppicymon must return the UK in the real world. His only hope is to complete the Great Pyramid. The specific characteristics of the parallel dimension caused, however, that both all the gods of the pantheon Djelibebyschen have won reality, as well as all included in the pyramids Pharaohs have returned to life. Both groups are pretty angry and behave not as one would expect from the venerable ancestors or deities worthy of worship. It requires a fundamental intergenerational collaboration to bring this confused situation back into balance.


Even as a radio play: Pyramids, Luebbe, 2006, ISBN 3-7857-3131-0
