Pyrocumulus cloud

As pyrocumulus ( red cloud ) is called a cloud type, which occurs as a result of firestorms. It is particularly large, strong soot-containing clouds which bring massive storms and storms with them.

Pyrocumuli caused by strong heating of the earth's surface. The convection generated thereby allows air masses to a stable point rise, which is usually accompanied by an increase in humidity. Triggers such as volcanic eruptions, forest fires, industrial emissions evoke this cloud formation. A weak jet stream may favor the formation of clouds. The atmospheric humidity which evaporating amounts of water from forest and bush fires or volcanoes condenses on the ash particles. Pyrocumuluswolken have severe turbulence that can trigger a conflagration caused by high winds on the ground.

Lightning generation

Large Pyrocumuli, especially those that result from volcanic eruptions can also cause flashes. This process is not yet fully explored scientifically, but may hang with the separation of electric charges through the turbulence together or with soot and ash particles. Large clouds may extend to above the freezing point of the atmosphere. The electrostatic properties of frozen water particles play a role under certain circumstances. Lightning -producing Pyrocumuli are cumulonimbus clouds and carry the designation Pyrocumulonimbus.


By ash and smoke Pyrocumuli often look gray or brown. They tend to spread because the ingredients that they contain promote as condensation nuclei cloud formation. This leads to a cycle, because the cloud can trigger a renewed storm, which in turn makes the risk of fire. From a certain size of the cloud and moisture is absorbed by the rising air, resulting from a point enough precipitation falls, that the fire, which the pyrocumulus has created is deleted.

  • Fire in nature
  • Cloud