
The Qaboos - nama (Persian قابوسنامه, DMG Qaboos nāma, Qaboos book ' ) is one of the most important Persian-language prose works of the 11th century. The translated into many languages ​​Fürstenspiegel was of unsur al - Maali Kai Kaoos ibn Iskandar ibn Qaboos (ca. 1021-1087 ), a Persian prince of the dynasty of Ziyariden written, and is dedicated to his son Gilan Shah. He is said to have been completed around 1082 and consists of forty-four chapters. Its title comes not from its author.

The work was for the first time by Heinrich Friedrich von Diez, the Royal Prussian Privy Legation Rath and prelates, formerly extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the king at the court of Constantine Opel, translated into German (released in 1811) and had great influence on Goethe, the it served as a source of inspiration for his West-Eastern Divan.

Excerpt: Rules and regulations of the musicians (36th chapter, translation Diez. )

" Know, my son! if you like the music and art they want to learn: so you have well-mannered and friendly, not übergeartet and Being uncouth. As far as it is possible to use more fragrant things as Weyrauch, musk and rose water, and the like and carry them bey you to wherever you're going to have pleasant smells on you. Sey always engaging in speech, for although the men are also musicians: so her whole demeanor but must be-ing female. If you kömmst in societies: so not always easy to play songs and melodies still hard and heavy tunes; because the persons in the congregation may not opposed by the same Naturel, but one another as ever, people are not of einerley disposition. This is the cause that one is pleasant, what the other vorkömmt unpleasant. For this reason, the teachers have established a certain order among musicians for this art which is pleasant Being all verschiednen Naturels who love Being gathered in one place. It is for them to start with an easy melody. Called Chusrewani, composes, which is listed in imperial societies. Afterwards they invented the heavy melodies, so that they become to sing in the modulation of light. One has the name, Rachghiran beygelegt them, which means heavier gear. The compositions are so easy and hard. The light is for princes and emperors, are manufactured for the heavy old and set men. But as you noticed, that not all people, nor are connoisseurs of art from Naturel the same: so you a style has for delicate and young people yet introduced, followed by mixed light melodies with soft tones jocular poems in light Sylbenmaassen and this style has the name Bassid one ( simple) given, which is expected to the light. Like to take it to a heavy melody present and afterwards give a light and then immediately play a Bassid so that both old boy part in it: If so enter musician to entertain in a meeting. But these tunes are not appropriate for boys and girls; because you Naturel is still far too low and their terms are to be deficient. Therefore ihrenthalben teachers have easily brought songs and gentle tones in melodies, so that they may flow to an advantage in this piece. "

Notes and References

Literature and links

  • Heinrich Friedrich von Diez: Book of Kabus or teachings of the Persian king Kjekjawus for his son Ghilan chess. Translated a work for the ages, from the Turkish - Persian-Arabian and illustrated by essays and notes. Berlin, Selbstvlg, 1811 867 p ( digitized: a, b)..
  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: West-Eastern Divan. With the excerpts from the book of Kabus edited by Karl Simrock. Heilbronn, Henninger 1875.
  • Reuben Levy ( translator's ): A Mirror for Princes: The Qabusname. London, 1951
  • Iradj Khalifeh - Soltani: The image of the ideal ruler in the Islamic mirror for princes literature, illustrated by the example of Qaboos Nâma. Tübingen 1971 ( phil. Diss )
  • The Qābusnāme: a monument of Persian wisdom. Übers and explained. of Seifeddin Najmabadi in conjunction with Wolfgang Knauth. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 1988; ISBN 3-88226-442 -X
  • Book of Kabus
  • Literature ( Persian)
  • Mirror of Princes
  • Literature ( 11th century )