Quaestura Exercitus

The Quaestura Exercitus was an administrative unit of the Byzantine Empire, which had its seat in Odessus. It was founded by Emperor Justinian I. on May 18, 536 to life.


The Quaestura Exercitus included the former Roman provinces of Moesia inferior ( Niedermösien ) and Scythia Minor in the region of the lower Danube and the provinces of Cyprus, Caria and the Aegean Islands ( Cyclades ). All these provinces were deprived of Prätorianerpräfektur of the East and called the command of a newly created Office, Bursar Exercitus ( " Quaestor of the Army" ) assumes. The authority of the Treasurer was a Magister Militum the same. Since the strategically important provinces were impoverished on the Danube, was the sense of Quästura Exercitus is to supply the armies deployed there with supplies. By connecting the provinces on the lower Danube with richer provinces succeeded Justinian to transport supplies across the Black Sea. This territorial restructuring freed the impoverished and devastated area south of the Danube by the maintenance of the troops stationed there. There is an extensive lack of information regarding the history of Quästura Exercitus. Since the Office of the Bursar still existed during the 570er 's, the Einrichtigung the Office of longer-term success seems to have been crowned.

Ultimately, however, did not survive the members of the Quästura Exercitus provinces of the invasions by Slavs and Avars in the Balkan Peninsula in the seventh century. Spite of this, some isolated forts at the mouth of the Danube river and the Black Sea because of the regular replenishment from the sea to survive. There are also indications that the fleet of the theme of Karabisianoi was originally formed by the surviving parts of the army of Quästura. Lead seal from the province of Moesia Inferior and Scythia Minor prove the existence of Quästura Exercitus. Specially show thirteen imperial seal ( nine of them from the time of Justinian I ) that a regular communication between officials from Scythia Minor and Constantinople Opel has taken place.
