Quiabaya Municipality

The municipality Quiabaya is a district in the department of La Paz in the South American Andes State of Bolivia.

Location in near space

The municipality Quiabaya is one of eight Municipalities of the province Larecaja and located in the western part of the province. It is bordered to the west by the province Muñecas, to the south by the municipality of Sorata, and to the east and north by the municipality of Tacacoma.

The municipality measures 10 km from north to south, from east to west 15 km. The municipality has 29 localities ( Localidades ), the central location of the municipality is the village Quiabaya with 357 inhabitants ( 2001 census ) in the eastern part of the county.


The municipality Quiabaya lies in the high mountain range of the Cordillera Real on the western foothills of the Massif Illampú.

The mean average temperature of the region is 18 ° C (see climate chart Sorata ), the annual precipitation is slightly more than 600 mm. The region has a pronounced diurnal climate, the monthly average temperatures vary only slightly between well 15 ° C in June / July and a good 19 ° C in November / December. The monthly rainfall range from less than 25 mm in the months of May to August and 100 to 125 mm from December to February.


The population of the municipality Quiabaya has risen in the past two decades by nearly a third:

The municipality had at the last census of 2001, a population density of 26.3 inhabitants / km ², the life expectancy of newborns was 54.1 years, the infant mortality rate was 11.5 per cent ( 1992) declined to 9.8 percent in 2001, the literacy rate for those over 6 years was 72.3 percent.

60.1 percent of the population speak Spanish, 96.0 percent speak Aymara, Quechua and 0.4 percent. (2001)

91.4 percent of the population have no access to electricity, 88.5 percent have no sanitary facilities ( 2001).

60.4 percent of the 697 households owned a radio, a television 3.2 percent, 7.3 percent, a bicycle, a motorcycle 2.0 percent, 1.9 percent, a car, a refrigerator 1.4 percent, 0.4 percent a telephone. (2001)



The municipality is subdivided into cantons not ( cantones ), but in 24 Subkantone ( vicecantones ).
