
Quiabentia verticillata

Quiabentia is a genus of flowering plants of the cactus family ( Cactaceae ). The botanical name of the genus is derived from the common in Brazil trivial names quiabento.


The tree-like or bushy, xerophytic species of the genus Quiabentia own lively, fleshy, round branches, which produce flat, fleshy leaves. The leaves are broadly ovate to spatulate and up to 7 inches long. Your areolae are covered with glochids and numerous thorns.

The almost terminal or terminal appearing, showy flowers are red or pink, and open on the day. The flower cups bears leaves, areolae, glochids and thorns. A flower tube is missing.

The fruits are oblong, fleshy and smooth usually. The large, circular and flattened seeds have a seed coat.

Systematics and distribution

A species of the genus Quiabentia is in Brazil, the other used in Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina.

The first description of the genus with the then single type Quiabentia zehntneri was made in 1923 by Nathaniel Lord Britton and Joseph Nelson Rose in the appendix of the fourth volume of her works The Cactaceae. The type species of the genus Pereskia is zehntneri. The genus includes two species:

  • Quiabentia verticillata
  • Quiabentia zehntneri

