Quintus Hortensius (dictator)

Quintus Hortensius was a Roman politician of the plebeian family of Hortensier, who lived at the beginning of the 3rd century BC.

After the last extraction of the Plebs from Rome ( secessio plebis ) in the year 287 BC, a kind of strike against the military system, Hortensius was appointed in view of the emergency situation to the dictator. He brought in response a law, the Lex Hortensia, with the decisions of the plebs ( plebis scitum, plebiscite ) were given the rank of Lex and thus were binding on all the people - for the patricians, who the law for some time the recognition, to apply for the nobility, refused.

With the Lex Hortensia the stands fighting in Rome ended.

  • Man
  • Politicians ( Roman Republic )
  • Roman dictator
  • Born in the 4th century BC
  • Died in the 3rd century BC