
Quzhou (衢州 市) is a prefecture-level city with a population of 2.46 million (2004) and an area 8836.52 km ². It is located in the west of Zhejiang Province in the People's Republic of China. In Quzhou Mandarin Chinese is the main language spoken, in contrast to most parts of the province, where Wu is spoken.

Administrative Divisions

At county level, Quzhou is composed of two districts, an independent city and three circles together. These are:

  • Municipality Kecheng -柯城区KeCheng Qū;
  • City Qujiang District -衢江 区Qujiang Qū;
  • Jiangshan City -江山 市Jiangshan Shì;
  • Changshan county -常山 县Changshan Xiàn;
  • Circle Kaihua -开化 县KAIHUA Xiàn;
  • Circle Longyou -龙游 县Longyou Xiàn.

28.959444444444118.86861111111Koordinaten: 28 ° 58 'N, 118 ° 52 ' E

Hangzhou | Huzhou | Jiaxing | Jinhua | Lishui | Ningbo | Quzhou | Shaoxing | Taizhou | Wenzhou | Zhoushan

  • Place in Zhejiang
  • District -free city (China)
  • Million city