
The R -905 is a radio station that is used in the Swiss Army. Roughly speaking, this directional beam station consists of a transmitting and receiving device (SE R -905 ) - in which also the antenna reflector is integrated - the operator terminal (BT) - a handset with keypad and LCD - and a supply equipment (SA 95/1 ). Add to that a 24 - V battery, a tripod with guy ropes, a camouflage net, a cable reel and an earth leakage coming with ground rod. This is all worn separately, but together weighs about 230 kg.

Over a maximum of 4 km of fiber-optic cable (FOC) a bunch of key device (BSG 93) is connected to the SE. The optical signal has a user data rate of either 2 or 8 Mibit.

The frequency range is 14.64 to 15.21 GHz, with a frequency spacing of at least 150 MHz. The maximum range is about 35 km. To increase the range, a maximum of two relay stations can be dazwischengeschalten. A relay station consists of two R -905, which are connected to an optical fiber.

About an unencrypted service channel that is multiplexed into the payload and remote control signals can be telephoned with the other operators of the SPAs and the SEs.
