Radio Norge

Radio Norge (formerly Channel 24) is a private, Norwegian radio station whose operation began as Channel 24 on 1 January 2004. The headquarters is located in Fredrikstad, there are branches in Oslo, Kristiansand and Tromsø. Channel 24 has foreign correspondents in New York, London, Paris, Berlin and Rio de Janeiro.

Radio Norge sends the FM4 Power, the fourth frequency that can be received everywhere across the country ( The first three belong to the public NRK with the programs P1, P2 and P3). The channel had some difficulties at the opening and was renamed from channel 4 in channel 24 because the name similarity to the channel P4 private channel was found to be too large. The number of regular listeners is constant and is approximately 300,000, which corresponds to 5 percent market share. The station is well behind P4, which comes to 23% market share and previously broadcast on the FM4 network. Radio Norge has due to the concession agreement, a wide range of programming, such as " Gråsonen " ( rock ), " Blåtimen " ( Blues ), "Jazz fra Eplet " (Jazz), " Ensomme Rytter " ( Country ) and " Gatemusikk " ( Rap ).

Owner of the radio since 2008, SBS Radio Norge (77% ) after the previous owner sold the transmitter due to financial losses. At the same time the station was named Radio Norge.
