Radkersburg District

The political district Radkersburg was a political district in Austria and was in the extreme southeast of Styria.

It bordered on the west and north by the Styrian districts Leibnitz and field and stream in the east and south by the Slovenian Pomurska.

Following the reorganization of the Styrian district headquarters of the district was merged on 1 January 2013 with the district field Bach to the district Südoststeiermark.

Administrative divisions

The district Radkersburg was divided into 19 municipalities, including two towns and six market towns. In parentheses are the numbers of inhabitants from 1 January 2013.

The most important of the abbreviations used are:

  • M = center of the municipality
  • Stt = district
  • R = Rotte
  • W = hamlet
  • D = village
  • ZH = Scattered houses
  • Sdlg = settlement
  • E = bowery (only if they have their own town code)

The complete list that uses the Statistics Austria, can be found at Topographic settlement Labelling according to STAT

Please note that some places may have different spellings. So Katastralgemeinden write differently than the same localities.

Source: Statistics Austria - Steiermark list (PDF)


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