Radom Ghetto

The Ghetto Radom was established under German occupation in Spring 1941 in Radom and numbered about 30,000 inmates.

The ghetto was cleared as part of the Operation Reinhardt; on 4 - 5th August 1942 the small ghetto in Glinice district ( Lage51.3921.1675 ) and on the 16th - 18th August, the big ghetto in the city center ( Lage51.40305555555621.1425 ) Approximately 20,000 Jews were deported to the Treblinka extermination camp.

To the responsible officers in the ghetto included, among others, Karl Oberg, Erich Kapke, Fritz Katzmann, William Bluhm, Hermann Weinrich and Herbert Böttcher, who were later convicted as a war criminal.
