Radula visiniaca

Radula visianica is a probably extinct Lebermoosart that was endemic in northern Italy.


Radula visianica was a small leafed kind, which had similarities to the radula complanata. In radula visianica the lower lobe one-third as large as the upper lobes. The top was more or less pointed. The plant was dioecious. Sporophyte is not known.

Occurrence and habitat

Radula visianica was found in only two places in northern Italy. The first were the Euganean Hills in Torreglia in the province of Padua, the second at Fiera di Primiero in Val Cismon in the Tridentine Alps. Little is known about the habitat of the species. She grew up on the floor or at the base of trees.


Radula visianica 1938 last collected. In 2001, the Bryologe René Schumacker an intensive search for the species in which, however, was unsuccessful.
