Rafael Barrett

Rafael Barrett ( born January 7, 1876 in Torrelavega, † December 17, 1910 in Arcachon ) was a Spanish essayist.


From 1897 he studied engineering science in Madrid. There his first publications were two popular science articles. In 1903 he was in Buenos Aires, founded by Julio Rey Pastor Unión Matemática Argentina which, and corresponded with Henri Poincaré.

In October 1904, he traveled to Villeta, Paraguay, to report for the Argentine El Tiempo about the political unrest. Here he came into contact with intellectual revolutionaries. In December he moved to Asunción. Barrett caught with announcements that he wanted to fight a duel, attention. In 1906 he was diagnosed with tuberculosis. He reported on human rights violations as a result of the coup of Albino Jara, and was arrested ten days later but released. In 1908 he moved temporarily to Montevideo. In 1910 he returns seriously ill back to Europe, where he died shortly after the release of Moralidades actuales.


Barrett was a follower of the philosophy of life, citing in particular Henri Bergson. For him life is constantly in motion sole reality that eludes an absolute writability. The Ideal and the mystery for him equal parts of reality.

He dealt with the conflict between religion and science, argued for a liberated from the dogmas of religion, in which the man God will make, as it had once done Jesus.

Barrett also dealt with the theory of evolution. He looked next to the survival of the fittest and the organize of the weak; next to be adapting to the environment and that this will adjusted. His investigations always also concerned the philosophical implications of evolution.

In the article, Mi anarquismo he describes himself as an anarchist in 1908. I understand anarchism as exclusively freedom for the questioning of politics, he wrote. He was an admirer of Leo Tolstoy.
