Ramesses I

Ramses I was an Egyptian king (Pharaoh) and founder of the 19th Dynasty ( New Kingdom ), which ruled from 1290 BC to 1291 BC.

Origin and Rise

Like its predecessor, Horemheb also comes Ramses I from the ranks of the military leaders. As a political protégé of Horemheb, who himself had no children, he was initially a simple officer, then troops and garrison commander, later served in the General Staff. Eventually he became an envoy of the King and General of the chariot troops before Horemheb appointed him vizier. In this role, he was representative of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt.

The traditional designation according to the festival calendar did not take place under Horemheb. The title of prince of Horemheb surnamed Neb Henemmet was added after the death of Horemheb to the previously existing sarcophagus of Ramesses I.. One was found in Thebes, the other in Gurob. Leave the particular circumstances of the first subsequent mounting of the title Prince realize that Ramses I had to go up to his accession to the throne of being buried in his position as vizier. Ramses I relied in this regard on the decision of the gods Council to appoint him as the successor of Horemheb as the new king of the two countries.

His son Seti I referred in addition to the squalid conditions in Egypt before his father Ramses I. succeeded to the throne. The official appointment as successor was also obviously contrary to the practice that only biological sons could be designated by the still reigning king as successor and proclaimed publicly for later coronation. This was one of Ramses I, as well, for example, his predecessor Horemheb or Hatshepsut, one of the few ancient Egyptian kings, who could not point to an official designation.


At the beginning of his reign Ramses I have well over 50 years old. During his very short, only 16 -month reign of Ramses I. leaving only one datable to him stele. He has the Amunglauben further consolidated and stabilized, leaving behind after his death an orderly government apparatus with loyal officials.

Punitive expedition

His son Seti I undertook as crown prince after a punitive expedition southern Palestine; the prisoners of war were donated to the temple in booing. This temple was dedicated by Ramses I. Amun -Min as the stele from Wadi Halfa reported.


Construction activity at the Karnak temple was continued: the 2nd Pylon and the great hypostyle hall was begun. For more information on the King can be found in Memphis and Heliopolis, and the temples of Seti I. ( Abydos and Qurna ), where this built for his father memorial chapels. The well-known statue of Horus of mesas along with Ramses I. dates from the time of Seti I.

As king, he began the construction of a new tomb in the Valley of the Kings ( KV16 ), which represent mainly because of its well-preserved and quality mural paintings, texts and scenes from the Book of Gates, has become known.

His death

His grave system was not yet finished, when Pharaoh died. Thus, the mummy was buried in a made-up as a grave chamber antechamber.

Eberskalender and heliacal rising of Sirius

The in Eberskalender of Amenhotep I mentioned period of heliacal Aufganges of Sirius determined in continuation of the calendar year of data, the government takeover of Ramses I, whose heading corresponds among other things, the allocation of Jürgen von Beckerath.

Odyssey of the Mummy

The mummy of the king happened to a real odyssey. Even in the 21st Dynasty ( under Smendes I. / Pinudjem I. ) it was combined with that of his grandson Ramses II at the grave of Seti I ( KV17 ) brought, probably as a protection against grave robbers. Under Siamun ( Dynasty 21 ) was a further reburial in the famous Deir el- Bahari. After the discovery of the Cachette Abd el- Rassoul sold the mummy to an American. In 1870, she appeared in the Niagara Falls Museum on and remained there until 1999, the sale to the Michael C. Carlos Museum in Atlanta / USA. After lengthy negotiations, it was in 2004 the Egyptian Museum Cairo returned. Zahi Hawass identified them as mummy of Ramses I, mainly due to the similarity with that of Seti I doubt about their identity are therefore attached as long as no DNA analysis was performed. On 9 March 2004 she found her (preliminary) final resting place in the Luxor Museum, together with that of Ahmose, the founder of the 18th dynasty.
