Raphael Armattoe

Raphael Ernest Grail Armattoe (* 1913, † 1953) was a physician, writer and poet from Ghana. Armattoe had the effect of the drug on parasitic infestation Abochi studied in humans. He was politically active as a supporter of the independence of Togo.

First, he began his work with short stories, followed later umfänglichere seal.

In 1949 he was nominated by members of the Irish Parliament for the Nobel Peace Prize.


  • The Swiss contribution to western civilization (1944 )
  • The golden age of West African civilization (1946 )
  • Space, time, and race; : Or, the age of man in America ( 1946)

His first work was Between the Forest and the Sea (1950). Deep Down in the Black Man 's Mind (1954 ) was not published until after his death.
