
As a raphe ( also transcribed as Rhaphe, Greek endbetont ραφή, seam ' ) refers to

  • In anatomy: the concrescence at the bottom of the scrotum ( scrotal raphe ) and the penis, see raphe penis
  • The concrescence on the underside of the foreskin ( prepuce raphe ), see foreskin
  • The concrescence on the palate ( palatal raphe ), see palate
  • The concrescence at the throat ( pharyngeal raphe ), see Throat
  • The median line connecting the medulla oblongata (medulla oblongata ), see the medulla oblongata
  • The median line connecting the bridge ( pons), see Pons
  • A group of nuclei of the central nervous system in the brain ( nuclei raphes ), see raphe nuclei
  • A slit -shaped aperture in the shells of Pennales ( diatoms ), see raphe ( diatoms )
  • "Seed seam" - vascular bundles, proceeds from the funiculus; in ana - or campylotropen ovules
  • Disambiguation