Rapid Exchange of Information System

The Rapid Exchange of Information System (RAPEX ) is an EU rapid alert system for consumer protection. About RAPEX information from Member States on dangerous or potentially dangerous consumer goods (excluding food and pharmaceutical products and drugs) to be replaced. This includes, for example, products such as clothing, shoes, cosmetics, jewelry or toys with harmful ingredients or nature or even products with technical defects such as electrical appliances, where electric shock or they ignite there.

RAPEX allows rapid EU-wide exchange of information on measures such as return or recall actions, whether it is carried out by national authorities or by voluntary action by producers and distributors. To monitor the activities and the local competent authorities, such as food monitoring shall be submitted appropriate delivery lists in Europe.

Basis for the establishment of RAPEX is the General Product Safety Directive 2001/95/EC ( GPSD ), an EC Directive on General Product Safety, which entered into force on 15 January 2004.

The Directorate General for Health and Consumers of the European Commission publishes a weekly report on current RAPEX notifications.
