
StumpWM (English " Stump Window Manager ") is a tiling window manager with a POSIX -compliant Unix- like operating systems running the X Window System running. He began as a revision of the ratpoison window manager.

" StumpWM grew out of the authors ' frustration with writing ratpoison in C. Very Quickly we Realized we were building into ratpoison lispy -emacs style paradigms. We had a REPL hanging off ' Ct ', hooks, and a growing subset of Common Lisp in the implementation. It was clear what we REALLY wanted was a window manager written in Lisp from the ground up with lots of room for customizing and real -time hacking. "

" StumpWM grew out of the frustration of the author when writing ratpoison in C. We quickly realized that we internals in ratpoison paradigms in LISP / emacs - style. We had a REPL, the Ct: delayed, hooks and a growing amount of Common Lisp in the implementation ... It was clear what we really wanted was a window manager that is written from scratch in Lisp, with plenty of room for individual adaptation and real-time hacking. "

StumpWM is written in Common LISP. This allows for the immediate, complete reprogramming and customization without rebooting by letting run in an interactive LISP system as SBCL or CLISP StumpWM. The use of a high-level language also makes it easier to create a window manager, the same basic paradigms like ratpoison (written in C), but far more malleable and can be paraphrased.

" Stumpwm Attempts to be customizable yet visually minimal. There are no window decorations, no icons, and no buttons. It does have various hooks to attach your personal customizations, and variables to tweak. "

" StumpWM tried adaptable, but to be of putting forth minimal. There is no window decorations, no icons and no buttons. He has different hooks to add personal adjustments, and variables to optimize. "

StumpWM and ratpoison emulate GNU Screen and Emacs in many ways. Both share similar key bindings, which allow customizing the bindings to other commands, write commands, access to the Unix shell for scripting and virtual desktops. Unlike ratpoison StumpWM includes a mode line, as you have GNU Screen and GNU Emacs.

The Debian site describes StumpWM:

"It Attempts to be highly customizable while relying Entirely on the keyboard for input. You will not find buttons, icons, title bars, tool bars, or any of the other Conventional GUI widgets. "

"He's trying to be adaptable, while he completely relies on keystrokes in High Dimensions. You will not find any buttons, icons, title bars, toolbars, or other conventional GUI widgets. "
