Rattle (percussion instrument)

Rattles are indirectly whipped Schüttelidiophone, so even sounding musical instruments, where small rattle body are stimulated by shaking the player, the one most noise-like, and occasionally produce a certain height in the sound.

Rattles are classified according to the Hornbostel -Sachs system as follows:

  • Stop or frame rattles (the term in the scheme overlaps with range rattle ): ( Zimbelstern, Schell tree, tambourine, tambourine )
  • Vascular or inclusion rattles ( maracas, Eggshaker, Shaker )

Vascular or inclusion rattles consist of a tank filled with hard small bodies of sand grain - size to walnut hollow body - this is shaken rhythmically generate against its wall between yourself and roaring its particles filling a specific sounding noise. Vessel or containment rattles are now used among other things in the Cha -cha-cha, tango and jazz.

In the frame rattling small bodies are externally attached to a larger object and beat against him; with row rattles beat juxtaposed own sounding body against each other. An example of a series of rattle in the music is comprised of a number Guinea walnut shells, which are bundled by means of plant fibers.

The clamp ring, knock together at the small metal discs ( cymbals ), is a combination of both. At Gleitrasseln the slide body (often there are seeds) as in Angklung in a hollow body. Are they fixed externally, they are called pendulum rattles. Pendulum rattles can also be found as an appendage of melodic instruments, if they are to change their sound. With metal rings at the edge draped iron plates ( plates rattle ) produce in some West African inland spit sounds on the type of Ngonis while playing a sound.

Also in the symphonic music rattles of any kind for quite some time use, their use as a musical instrument par excellence goes back to ancient times.

As a child's rattle rattles are given in various forms infants and young children as toys to develop their sensorimotor skills. Rascals is a colloquial or jocular term for a noisy crowd of children.
