Rauenstein (hill)

View from Rathen on the Rauenstein

The Rauenstein is a table mountain in the Saxon Switzerland. It projects linkselbisch inside the Elbe loop near Rathen up. It has a height of 304 meters and falls to the north against the underlying Elbe Valley from. The Rauenstein has a highly indented structure and is about 600 meters long and 200 meters wide. It protrudes out from 50 to 100 meters from the environment.

The Rauenstein is almost entirely forested, but has some landschaftsdominierende sandstone walls. The sandstone is weathered very soft and strong.


To the east lies the district Struppener Weißig. There are various climbing peaks, whose most famous, the 18 -meter-high stone nun or nuns, located 200 meters in front of the east side of the Rough stone on the north and east sides. The rock was in the Middle Ages seat of a watchtower.

On the Rauenstein is located at the southeastern end of a mountain restaurant. This has existed since 1893. Prior to have been served drinks from 1886 to 1893 in the Kapphöhle ( also referred to as Kappmeyer or comb cave ) on the summit plateau. A year earlier, began the tourist development of the Rough stone by the local chapter of the Dresden Mountain Club.


From the vantage point on the mountain restaurant has a panoramic view to the lilies stone and the village Weißig.


View from Rauenstein ( mountain restaurant ) towards Lilienstein

Seen The Rauenstein of Weißig from
