RBS 23

RBS 23 BAMSE is a medium-range air defense system from Swedish production. SAAB Bofors Dynamics manufacturer. It is used in the protection of military facilities and its own troops, and other important objects. The missile was designed to combat smaller, faster development objectives as enemy missiles, cruise missiles or UAVs.

System Description

The system comprises a surveillance and control center (SCC) and up to six Missile control center (MCC ).

Surveillance and Control Center

The Surveillance and Control Center ( SCC ) contains a Ericsson PS -70 Giraffe 3D surveillance radar, which on an 8 - mounted 13 m high mast. An SCC can coordinate up to four MCCs.

In this configuration, the SCC can simultaneously combat flight four goals with four missiles.

Missile Control Center

The Missile Control Center ( MCC) are installed on trailers that can be towed by different vehicles. The communication between the MCC and SCC is carried out either by radio or via cables. MCC each includes a monopulse fire control radar which operates in the Ka band and an IR camera. The six aircraft missiles per MCC have a horizontal range of 15 miles and can fight up to 10,000 m altitude targets. The system is air-transportable and ready to use within 10 minutes.

User States

  • Sweden Sweden ( order 2000 delivery since 2002)