
Reaction was a collective term for those forces that the continuation of the French Revolution and the takeover of their ideas ( code civil, parliamentarism, Fundamental Rights and Constitution, Republic, etc.) opposed to other countries in the 19th century.

The term réaction appeared during the French Revolution in 1789. He described generally a resistance movement who opposed initiated by the Revolutionary change and striving for the return of the Ancien Régime.

Since reaction is the name of anti-democratic and set against the forces of social progress and an attitude that is backward-looking. The backwardness relies requires a linear view of history as progress is made. What is progress, is contentious in politics, and thus contains the term " response " is a subjective judgment. But consensus Capable appears the position that the one who was behind the principles of the French Revolution Liberty, Equality, Fraternity ( liberté, égalité, fraternité ) want to go back reactionary.

Another setting considers the term less historically and called reaction simply that policy, which only responds to a previous, innovative policy development, rather than oppose this about their own concepts.

A member of the reaction is called reactionary. There are more politically active individuals who are referred by their opponents as reactionaries, than those who see themselves that way. This is due to the fact that progress and innovation thinking are widespread and therefore already conservatives are sometimes referred to as reactionaries who reject this labeling. On the other hand, there are thinkers, where the linear idea of ​​progress is alien and who wish to designate progressive therefore neither reactionary nor as.

Among the few writers who refer to themselves as "reactionary ", include Günter Maschke, whose writings are being published in various right-wing as classified magazines, and the Colombian philosopher Nicolás Gómez Dávila. Also, the fascism associated cultural philosopher Julius Evola could the term "reaction " abgewinnen positive sides in the 1930s: " In our opinion, a true reaction against the liberal- democratic decay only on the basis of the traditional principles of hierarchy, aristocracy and monarchy is possible. " ( fascism and aristocratic idea in today's Italy, 1932).

In National Socialism, however, the memory of the killed was "Comrades, the Red Front and Reaction shot ", collected at the Horst Wessel song to the cult.

Today, even some conservative religious values ​​and ideas ( secondary virtues ) of their opponents are called reactionary.
