Rebala, Estonia

59.4625.088333Koordinaten: 59 ° 28 ' N, 25 ° 5' O

Rebala is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Jõelähtme ( Jõelähtme vald ) in Harju County ( Harju maakond ).

Description and History

Rebala ( German Rebbala ) has 171 inhabitants (as at 31 December 2011).

The village lies on the road between the Estonian capital Tallinn and Narva, about 18 km north-east of Tallinn.

Rebala was first mentioned in records in 1241 under the name Reppel in Liber Census Daniæ.

Burial Rebala

The village is mainly known for its 44 stone graves today. They were excavated 1982-1988. The cemetery Rebala includes the oldest stone graves on the territory of today's Estonia. They date from the late Bronze Age, the 8th - 7th Century BC.

The 1987 monument reserve created Rebala ( Rebala muinsuskaitseala ) contains an area of ​​about 74 square kilometers, over 300 archaeological legacies, especially from the early Stone Age, as well as a nature conservation areas. It is one of the most important in the Baltics. In it are also the karst area of Kostivere, the Jagala waterfall and the medieval chapel of Saha.
