
An insurrection, rebellion or partly (deprecated) insurrection called, is an open, violent resistance of several individuals against state power. It usually means an armed resistance action against an existing government; Preform an uprising are often street battles in government and population centers. Insurgents called rebels, insurgents also outdated.

Hannah Arendt distinguishes between a rebellion and a revolution strictly: " The goal of a rebellion [ is ] only the liberation of [.. ] while the aim of the revolution is the foundation of freedom."

Friedrich Engels defined the insurrection as an art that " as the war or any other art ... subject to certain rules" is accurate. The rules are "logical conclusions from the nature of the parties and the circumstances with which one has to do in such a case. First, my ... may never play with the uprising, if you are not determined to take all the consequences of the match itself. Insurrection is an invoice with highly indeterminate quantities whose values ​​may change every day; the enemy's forces have all the advantages of organization, discipline and the traditional authority on their side; you can not confront them with strong superiority, one is beaten and destroyed. Secondly, once entered the path of the uprising, one act with the greatest determination, and on the offensive. The defensive is the death of every armed rising ... Surprise your antagonists while their forces are scattering, but daily for new ones when even the small successes; get up the moral weight that has given you the initial success of the survey; so pull the vacillating elements on your page ...; force your enemies to a retreat before they can collect their strength against you; To use the words of Danton, the largest known master of revolutionary tactic: de l' audace de l' audace, encore de l' audace "(! audacity, boldness, and again boldness ) 1895 Angel commented on the modified terms of a revolt, especially due to the modern bourgeois army, whose political decomposition is defined as a prerequisite for a successful uprising. He also goes on the defensive aspects of the uprising ( the barricades ) and defines the meaning of the street struggle as more "morally " than "physically ".

Lenin strongly oriented to Engels considerations, where he was particularly interested in the aspect of " offensive " and the connection between revolutionary army and the revolutionary government. Shortly before the October revolution, Lenin writes that successful uprisings firstly " do not rely on a conspiracy, not a party" but to "the advanced class ." Second, a riot would just " based on the revolutionary upsurge of the people". Third, there must be a riot " based on such a turning point in the history of the growing revolution when the activity of the front ranks of the people is greatest where the fluctuations in the ranks of the enemy and in the ranks of the weak, half, irresolute friends of the revolution are strongest. "
