Reciprocal pronoun

Reziprokpronomen ( reciprocal pronouns ) are pronouns that are similar to reflexive, insofar as they are mostly as an object in a sentence, to a preceding phrase (usually the subject ) refer back. However, the importance here of the kind that Reziprokpronomen must refer to entire groups, and state that the said action between members of the group takes place with each other.

In German, the shape is a pure Reziprokpronomen each other. The ( plural ) reflexive pronoun ( us, you, yourself ) but are also in a reciprocal meaning possible, which can be illustrated with the addition of each other.


The statement: " Heinz and Anne were washing " can be understood in several ways:

" Washed each other Heinz and Anne ", however, is only the second meaning possible: For the statement.

The subject may also consist of a plural word instead of multiple and linked elements: "Soldiers kill each other " vs.. "Soldiers kill himself ( itself) ."

  • Pronoun
  • Word