
As a private placement ( PAV ) professional filling vacant jobs is denoted by private companies. The aim is to buyers and sellers to lead to a contract for employment.

Since 2002, the Federal Employment Agency promotes private placement as a supplement to public placement by issuing a Mediation voucher (VGS ) or an activation and placement voucher to the unemployed, a previously unemployed person from receiving benefits ( unemployment compensation or unemployment benefits ( Hartz IV) ) to lead to a contributory employment.

Placement monopoly and liberalization

Between 1931 and 1994, the employment offices had the placement monopoly in Germany. The monopoly was first time in 1994 eased after the European Court of Justice ( ECJ) had decided in 1991 that the agency monopoly violated the provisions of the EEC Treaty, which offered the freedom of competition. On 1 April 1994, the Employment Service has been released in Germany for private intermediaries, but first asked still subject to authorization by law and relatively highly regulated. Already on August 1, 1994, there was further liberalisiertSeit the entry into force of the SGB III on January 1, 1998, the private employment in § § 291 ff SGB III was regulated.

As at 28 March 2002, the license requirement for private employment agencies in Germany was lifted and introduced recruitment vouchers for the unemployed. Since the ECJ judgment of 11 January 2007, a switch to other European countries is possible within the EU with the placement voucher. A few rules determine in § 292, § § 296-298 SGB III, for example, the need for an agency contract and the prohibition of accepting compensation for training placements by the candidate, also the data protection proper handling of candidate data. Implementation details for the recruitment voucher process are governed by the rules of procedure for placement voucher ( GA- VGS ). The GA- VGS has been updated several times by the Federal Employment Agency in the years since 2002.

Particular suitability by the mediator can not be proved. However, at the time of placement must be an appropriate business registration. Provided this, the private mediator may, following mediation a success fee or alternatively claim a compensation as a result of the redemption of a recruitment voucher. The disbursement of the 1st and 2nd installment of VGS for a mediation presupposes the fulfillment of conditions.

The Federal Employment Agency takes over the control function for compliance with the regulations. The BA itself has been established in cooperation with the BMA that a request for payment of the 1st installment 6 weeks after completion of the work contract no cost to the budget of the BA caused (cost neutrality ), since the amount until then by the end of the referred services already saved been. The same is valid also for the payment of the second installment after 6 months.

Agency fee

Until 31 March 2012, had the job-seeking candidates and the private employment agency a written mediation agreement may be concluded between pursuant to § 296 SGB III. Since April 1, 2012, this contract is no longer necessary and it is sufficient if we show a placement voucher kann.Dieser placement voucher must already be present before an exchange, otherwise the placement voucher will not be paid. From the mediation agreement in particular the mediation fee must indicate that you want to pay the job seeker on success to the agent. This employee fee is generally based on the amount of this mediation voucher (usually € 2,000 ).

The mediation agreement is a brokerage contract, as only in this is successful, a fee is payable. After a successful mediation, the recruitment agency of the institution that has issued the recruitment voucher, provide 2 rates charged: 1st installment after 6 weeks in employment / 1.000 € (incl. 19 % VAT) 2nd installment after 6 months in employment / 1.000 € (incl. 19 % VAT) up to max. € 1,500 ( in special cases )

A fee calculated against the job seeker is alternatively allowed. For this purpose, a private contract is usually concluded. Even with a private contract the agency fee against the applicant may not exceed a total of 2,000 €.

Employment Agencies

The suitability of a recruitment agency has so far covered by any professional code of conduct or statutory provisions. The associations of PAV see for yourself quality standards ( which are not enforceable ) to, according to which a labor contractor must have as a trader on appropriate business premises, as well as on appropriate expertise, such as:

  • Qualification of the mediator (eg, a relevant diploma, work experience, where appropriate, mediation specific additional training, knowledge of the methods of profiling, customizable conversation and clarification of existing barriers to placement )
  • Knowledge of the relevant statutory provisions
  • Knowledge of the local and regional labor market and its actors
  • Knowledge of industry and professional profiles
  • Knowledge of data protection
  • In addition to unique business conditions and the existence of a complaints management, the promoter should (eg debt ) may also be cooperation with specialized bodies able and beyond
  • Maintain contacts with employers and employees.


The training for personnel services Kaufmann also prepares for the activity as private employment agencies. Therefore, this training can also be located in agencies of the PAV. Also, in a study of business with a focus on staff, students are prepared, inter alia, on the activity as a private mediator. In addition, there is also the possibility to obtain a proficiency in courses as a mediation coach. The associations of private employment agencies also offer certifications.
