
The Recruitment ( engl. Recruitment, Recruiting ) is part of the Human Resources and deals with the coverage of a previously defined staffing needs. Your basic task is to provide the company demand and cost and workforce.

  • 2.1 The job description 2.1.1 benefits
  • 2.1.2 disadvantages

Methods of recruitment

Before staff is procured, is the need for personnel in the desired number, the desired time at the desired location and - most importantly - determined with the necessary qualifications. The human resources required of a company can thus specify the basis of the following four dimensions:

  • Short formula: M.A.Z.O. right employee, right number, right time, right place

To calculate the quantity of personnel needs of the balance between available capacity is used with the specific needs the help of the index method or the establishment plan method. The job description ultimately serves the qualitative description of the requirement. As procurement alternatives are the corporate and enterprise external recruitment.

Internal Recruitment

Identifies the procurement of personnel within the company. Methods of internal recruitment are:

  • Staff development ( employees are trained specifically for the respective tasks and prepared, optionally in a coaching)
  • Transfer or Inplacement ( employees are added at the appropriate qualifications to another location )
  • Internal vacancy ( the employee will be asked to apply for the posts to be filled )

It is divided into two sections:

A) meet demand without personnel movement has regularly increased workload leading to:

  • Of overtime
  • Structural changes (organizational structure ) and process controls ( operational structure )
  • Implementation of major rationalization measures
  • Personal development for a jobholder

B ) demand coverage with personnel movement has regularly a replacement provided the following consequences:

  • Job Rich Ment and job Large Ment by internal calls
  • Staff development with transport
  • Set Clearing ( Make reorganization)

C ) Active recruitment within the company (possibly within the group ): access needs related back to various internal ( in-house magazine, intranet, internal job fairs ) to specifically address candidates for a defined point. The staff service manager within the company (Human Resources) can serve as a Helpdesk or agent:

  • Offers in job fairs and recruiting Exchanges
  • Vacancy by ads (intranet, staff magazine respectively. Hauszeitung )


  • Opening of opportunities for advancement
  • Stronger binding to the operating
  • Lower procurement costs
  • Good knowledge of the qualifications
  • Compliance with the occupational wage levels, as the staff at the operational level of wages is based
  • Faster recruitment opportunity
  • Career opportunities for junior staff are free
  • Motivation of employees
  • Lower training time
  • Place in the short term besetzbar
  • Targeted funding opportunity
  • Transparent personnel policy
  • Corporate image improved


  • Fewer choices eg in employee selection
  • Disappointment of colleagues, especially when moving up to supervisor positions, may also tensions and rivalry ( jealousy or demotivation )
  • To strong collegial bonds (property decisions are " chummy " )
  • Dislocation does not solve the need for quantitative; the internal recruitment usually takes an outside recruitment by itself
  • Also come through this method hardly new workers in the company
  • Promotion of so-called " tunnel vision ", errors remain undetected
  • Declining employee activity because of " transport automation "

External Recruitment

Indicates a vacancy or employee search outside the company. It can be passive ( or indirect ) and active ( direct or indirect ) Recruitment distinguished:

A) Passive recruitment is done by the processing and archiving of incoming initiative and reactive applications. Advertising is designed under the outward recruitment only to improve the reputation of the company as an employer (so-called employer branding ) to this to make it more interesting for qualified applicants and to stimulate speculative applications. A concrete publication of staffing needs will not occur. In need of a reappointment, the candidate from the pool shall be considered first and made ​​available for selection. More opportunities will arise from the use of existing applicant data bases, for example, via the Internet, the Employment Agency and employee leasing or temporary work.

B ) Active recruitment needs based attacks back on various media to specifically address candidates for a defined point or for a career path. In addition to targeted advertising, interactive media come (Website ) and company presentations into account. In addition, agents may be switched on:

  • Offers in job fairs and recruiting Exchanges
  • Use of Recruiter functions and sympathy advertising in the new social media
  • Hiring of recruiters, executive search firms (direct scan ) or a government organization as in Germany the local employer service of the Federal Employment Agency
  • Vacancy by ads (internet, newspaper, radio )
  • Information sessions at educational institutions and (technical) universities
  • Company contact measurements on (technical) universities
  • Recruiting events, college marketing primarily to the recruitment of young professionals after graduation ( college recruiting )


  • Large range of choice
  • Reduction of blindness
  • Possibilities of comparing the qualifications of internal and external staff
  • Low training costs (the selection of future employees is carried out to meet the advertised position )
  • Avoid the chain reaction effect ( replacement of intra-corporate vacated office)
  • Introduction of new impulses in the operation


  • Relatively higher procurement costs by selecting and comparing or activation of service
  • The risk of dislocation is higher than the internal recruitment
  • It can integration problems occur with new employees
  • The salaries of new entrants are often higher than the internal candidates
  • Possible demotivation qualified internal staff

Procedure for Recruitment

When employees procurement candidates accurately assess and accurately select, among the most difficult tasks in the personnel area. At the beginning of this complex pathway is the job description.

The job description

A job description is a mandatory and written in a uniform way down the inclusion of a point in the organizational structure. Your goals, tasks and competencies, as well as their most important relationships to other locations are recorded here. It should be concise and clear and are regularly reviewed.

In a job description the Purpose of the post, the tasks and responsibilities of the job holder are described by exact formulation. The objectives of the job description are: transparency, in the improvement of organizational structures and in facilitating the monitoring and assessment.


  • Prevention of misunderstandings.
  • Preventing competence difficulties.
  • Subordinate and supervisors are known.
  • Seamlessly incorporating new employees.


  • Decreases fixation on activities described Motivation →
  • Time - consuming and organization.
  • Regular revision necessary.

In contrast is the job description that includes a written description of the activities to be carried out at a workplace.

The job description

A job description is a systematic, clear and objective as possible a description of the actual state. It shows what is done by the job owner, how it is made and why a job exists.

By answering the questions

  • Who?
  • How?
  • What?
  • For what purpose?
  • Who is responsible?

Provides information about the essential tasks of the job, characterizes the organizational environment and highlights the most important main functions.

Thus one understands the job description a written set of objectives of a body or a workplace with the respective duties, powers, responsibilities, relationships with other agencies and the demands on the jobholder.

From the job description and job specification, the requirement profile is shown.

The requirement profile

The job profile is a description of intended or desired characteristics (skills, characteristics). The job profile must clearly show what qualifications, skills and experience which for the advertised position are necessary.

She is a tabular arrangement of certain requirements of operating applicant /, trainees or employees / inside with regard to certain activities. In this table, the importance of each feature requirement for the operation and certain activities are weighted. At this point, the necessary preparatory work is done in order to make a vacancy.

The vacancy

A vacancy (also cast image ) covers requirements for a newly vacant position in a company. It can take place within the company ( internal) or outside the enterprise (external). The vacancy contains less detailed items as a job description. The focus of the image is cast more in the area of social and technical competence requirements and the rough work objectives.

The internal vacancy employees a vacancy is given, for example, announced via circular. This means that workers can apply for another position within the company. The internal candidate must not be preferred in this case, where priority is given according to common practice, internal candidates over external applicants with comparable qualifications. In parallel, can be made quite external recruitment measures.

Information which should be provided to the applicants, the job title, a brief description of the activity, belonging to the department, the branch / group, working hours, the required qualifications, the proposed remuneration and the intended use.

The job ad

Until the 90s of the 20th century, the main medium for job was the daily newspaper. In contrast to the career opportunities for leaders who are to be found in a few national newspapers and magazines in association, most jobs are in the local press. With increasing proliferation of the Internet, more and more sites are also displayed online ( E-Recruiting ).

The advantage of online job is the fact that the candidates can inform and advertise much faster and clearer on job vacancies. For companies, in turn, the advantage is that online job ads are much cheaper and run over a longer period. Opportunities are often formulated in terms of " ideal candidate ". There is this ideal candidates rarely, it may be worthwhile for a candidate already, to apply from an agreement of 60 % between requirements and personal profile.


On the job advertisement through the company receives applications. An application file consists of the cover letter, a resume with passport photo, job references and from school reports or statements, etc. The application documents obtained are in accordance with the priorities set in the requirement profile, desire and spotted Musts and ideal conditions and can by the attached certificates shall be excluded confirmed or. To this end, most companies have their own criteria according to which the documents will be evaluated.

In addition, the visual impression, the completeness of the application documents and the cover letter are crucial for the decision to invite the applicant for an interview.

The cover letter

The letter reflects the outward appearance, whether it is an individual or standardized answer. Targeted formulations and explanations in response to the job posting provide information about seriousness and individuality of the applicant. Of course not absolutely identifiable, whether the candidate himself has formulated and created the cover letter. By answering the following questions, the letter can be analyzed.

  • Personal approach?
  • Targeted discussion of the business?
  • Targeted engagement with the work?
  • Motivation clearly?
  • If current employment mentioned?
  • Language clear and understandable?
  • Reason for the application credible and comprehensible?
  • Called possible starting date?
  • Was invested in the application of time and effort?
  • Is the cover letter logically?

Basically, the letter should be content oriented to the " AIDA " formula. This " AIDA " stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. The Potential applicants should first seek the attention of his opposite awaken ( Attention). This is largely a flawless application. The interest ( Intereset ) of the potential employer is to be awakened. This happens i.d.R. by an interesting presentation of yourself and your previous career as well as a coherent view of the motivation that led to the application. By proper and interesting presentation of one's person cravings to be awakened while facing to want to know more about the candidate ( Desire ). The Stellenausschreiber should be encouraged to actively approach the candidates to him to undergo a closer examination (Action). This can, for example, in the form of a job interview or m.H.v. Assessment centers take place.

The interview

After the selection, the company invites selected applicants to an interview. For this purpose, can be made an IQ test, a test similar setting. However, it is not unusual that the candidate abstract tasks are set, such as the audition of a sales situation or similar .. The interview is basically to get a personal impression of the prospective tenant. The personal impression says usually made more than any written application. The applicant is subject to the duty of truth at the interview, which will hereinafter be explained briefly:

  • Vocational training: questions then must answer comprehensively the workers. He must also provide information on his former employers.
  • Offenses: About criminal record, the employee must provide information if you are relevant. However, to remain silent about ongoing investigations, even if they are relevant.
  • Disease: An employee may be asked for by setting the current disease when they are relevant to the male work. This is the case if the applicant is not in the same way usable is like a healthy mate when his colleagues could infect or when to expect that he will be unable to work in the foreseeable future.
  • Severe disability: A severe disability must always be given on demand, when the infirmity may affect the future performance. Lie of the applicants, the employer may terminate.

The evaluation form

In order to decide objectively which are set of candidates and which are not, an evaluation form will be filled out for each interview. Using these arcs, the company shall, after all the discussions which candidates will be recruited. This will get a written commitment, all others a written cancellation.

The sample work

However, some companies allow candidates to test work only for a certain period of time and only then decide whether they sign a contract with the candidate or not.
