Recursive acronym

As a recursive acronym is called a shortcut that recursively refers to the explanation of their meaning in itself, that paradoxically their own abbreviation contains as part of the prescribed term (see construction methods). Recursive acronyms are usually initial words. The term is also used for abbreviations that are not really acronyms. Most recursive acronyms occur in the free software scene.

Construction Method 1

Real recursive acronyms can be constructed with a simple method:

Construction Method 2

Recursive acronyms are not to be confused with a Apronym or backronym.


Example of a recursive acronym in Palindromgestalt whose self-referencing his self includes sufficient importance:

  • Recursive and palindromic acronym, paradoxically originally | | RupApuR

No "real" recursions

Some closely related phenomena are not strictly recursive acronyms. A common mistake is that the abbreviation Although the prescribed term occurs as a word, but not himself, but a real word with the same spelling says:
