Red Color

Color Red (Hebrew צבע אדום Tzeva Adom ) is a radar warning system that installed in several towns near the Gaza Strip, the Israeli armed forces. The system has the task (usually Qassam rockets) to warn the public of imminent missile attacks.

Currently, the system is installed in several southern Israeli towns that are within range of the rockets fired from the Gaza Strip, including Sderot and Ashkelon. When the radar signature of a launched missile is detected by the radar, the system automatically triggers the public warning system of the nearby towns and military bases. An electronic two-tone alarm is sent out twice, followed by a recorded female voice that says several times by the Hebrew phrase " Tzeva Adom " (Hebrew for " Red "). This process is repeated until all rockets have landed and no further launches are detected. In Sderot, the population after the warning beep for about 15 seconds time to look in front of the approaching projectiles protection. The system was set up in Ashkelon between July 2005 and April 2006.

By 2007, the Hebrew term " Shachar Adom " was used ( " Red Dawn "). However, this was changed accordingly, after a seven- year-old girl named " Shachar " had complained (Hebrew for " dawn " ) about it.
